Last spring I sat on the patio of The Powerhouse Restaurant having drinks with quite possibly, the most driven, passionate and dedicated woman I have ever met. We were there to discuss a collaboration of creative minds. Very early on in our conversation I was completely awed by her drive, her vision and her ability to make it all happen. Julija and her twin sister Andja have created their own line of cosmetics....from scratch...all on their own! Talk about inspiring.
They had taken notice of my work and were interested in having me shoot some promotional images for the launch of their website. How could I say no to the opportunity to work with yet another set of amazing twins?? Not only are these women incredibly focused and professional, they are warm, kind and caring. Because of that, our work relationship has very quickly become a solid friendship. I must add that Julija is also an extremely talented hairdresser. To which, I can personally attest to, as she is now the woman I trust all my hair styling decisions to. She works out of Moca Studio and Spa in Stoney Creek.
Julija and Andja had done a darker, gothic style shoot with another photographer so they decided that we should do something lighter yet still formal.
The Powerhouse Restaurant had become our creative brainstorming meeting location, and therefore an easy chioce as a shoot location. It is a fantastic historical restaurant in the heart of downtown Stoney Creek with a great 1920's prohibition vibe to it. So on a very snowy day at the end of January we added some glamor and KOA beauty to its history.
I am continually amazed at the talent found in pairs....Julija and Andja Stojakovic are twins that have it spades. I wish them every ounce of success in their cosmetic endevour...they have definitely earned it.
Julija and Andja Stojakovic for KOA :
probably one of the most professional and talented photographer we have worked with.